
Formez-vous quand et où vous le souhaitez. Nos webinars à la demande et nos conférences vidéos vous donnent accès à des conférenciers, des chercheurs et des leaders d’opinion de renommée mondiale en implantologie.

The Digital Journey Part 2: A Digital Full Arch Approach Using CBCT, IOS, Navigation & Digital Prosthetics

Robert Pauley, Jr., DMD
Learning Objectives: -Learn what data is neeed to commence a full arch with immediate load workflow -Discuss lab collaboration utilized to develop a prosthetic driven treatment plan -Discuss design and fabrication of full arch immediate provisional -Learn the importance of a PDIP incorporated into a dynamic navigation workflow to guide bone reduction, osteotomy preparation and final implant placement -Describe the protocol of an immediate full arch provisional conversion

The Digital Journey: Utilizing Intraoral Scanning to Maximize Clinical Production

Robert Pauley, Jr., DMD
This introductory session will discuss how incorporating IOS technology into our office can help to maximize a clinician’s chair-time enabling the opportunity to more clinical production. This initial session will discuss how the CS 3800 IOS is utilized in developing cosmetic blueprints, lab collaboration, prosthetic driven implant treatment plans and obtaining impressions for final prosthetics.

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