All-on-4® digital workflow

All-on-4® digital workflow

A flexible digital solution for full-arch rehabilitation:

  • Improve patient experience1
  • Streamline your full-arch rehabilitation workflow1
  • From scan to individualized provisional in up to 4 hours
  • Grow your practice by reducing chair time2

Leverage the All-on-4® digital workflow to save time and costs1

Time savings


less chair time



less production costs per arch

Patient experience


fewer patient visits

Discover how All-on-4® digital workflows can benefit your practice regardless of your surgical execution

  • Freehand surgery

    Freehand surgery

    The All-on-4® digital workflow complements your experience with freehand surgical techniques, ensuring speed and flexibility.

    Learn more

  • Guided surgery

    Guided surgery

    Already digitally oriented? Leverage the All-on-4® digital workflow to increase efficiency and predictability in your immediate protocols.

    Learn more

  • 3D Navigated surgery

    3D navigated surgery

    Lead the way. Utilize 3D navigation and digital innovations to optimize your workflow and enhance patient satisfaction.

    Learn more

All-on-4® digital workflow, different paths, same results


All-on-4® digital workflow, spotlights of the workflow

X-Guide® NXT with navigated photogrammetry FastMap™

Achieve a faster, conversion-less full-arch workflow using FastMap® with X-Guide® NXT for passive-fit provisionals.

Educations & events

Your professional development never stops.

Nobel Biocare smile

Contact us for more information

1. On average based on limited market survey. 
2. On average compared to conventional All-on-4® treatment concept based on limited markey survey. 
Some products may not be regulatory cleared, released or licensed for sale in all markets.