
Learn alongside industry-leading experts from around the world. Courses cover everything from diagnosis and treatment planning to surgical and prosthetic workflows. We even address some of the most complex and progressive protocols for managing potential complications.

Find out more on our Zurich Digital Days at the Dental Experience Center.

September 2024

Navigátor kurzus

Sep 27 - 28, 2024
Budapest, HU
Dr. Ferenc Bartha
Mercure Budapest Castle Hill

SprintRay Advanced Training

Sep 27, 2024
Weiterstadt, DE
Tobias Böinghoff
Aldo Hedemann

Dank der jüngsten Fortschritte in Technologie, Design und Materialien weitet sich der Einsatz von dentalen 3D-Druckern schnell vom Dentallabor in die Zahnarztpraxis aus. Wie funktioniert diese spannende Technologie eigentlich und warum ist der 3D-Druck so geeignet für die Zahnmedizin?

Nobel Biocare und SprintRay arbeiten eng zusammen, um die 3D-Drucktechnologie landesweit in Zahnarztpraxen einzuführen. Wir wollen zusammen mit SprintRay die Zahnmedizin verändern, indem wir unsere Kunden erstklassig schulen lassen, damit diese ihren Patienten qualitativ hochwertige und kostengünstige Behandlungen anbieten können und hierdurch einen Mehrwert in ihrer Praxis erzielen.

Seien Sie gespannt auf zwei Schulungstage mit den Teams von Nobel Biocare und SprintRay. Lernen Sie vor Ort in Weiterstadt auch den 60 Minuten Workflow von Nobel Biocare kennen – dieser wird auch Sie überzeugen.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr Nobel Biocare Team in Zusammenarbeit mit SprintRay

8 Fortbildungspunkte
SprintRay Europe GmbH

Hospitation X-Guide®

Sep 27, 2024
Schwaz, AT
DDr. Ernst Sigwart
X-Guide ist ein dynamisches 3-D-Navigationssystem, quasi ein GPS für Bohrer und Implantate. Wir zeigen Ihnen den kompletten Arbeitsablauf vom virtuellen Registrieren bis hin zur Durchführung der Chirurgie.
6 Fortbildungspunkte
DDr. med. univ. Ernst Sigwart

October 2024

A to Z digital implant dentistry

Oct 01 - 05, 2024
Roma, IT-RM, IT
Prof Alessandro Pozzi

This interactive course is structured to provide step-by-step training at a very personal level. It employs case-based learning by emphasizing evidence-based learning for daily usage. Participants will learn from the basic tools to the latest advancements in digital implant dentistry. Streamlined clinical and digital workflows will be presented to increase efficiency and clinical outcomes. All the secrets of static guided surgery and X-Guide dynamic navigation will be unveiled to discern when and how to use the different surgical options, including the review of the current CBCT, IOS and Face scanning technologies. The DTX Studio Clinic, DTX Studio Implant and DTX Studio Lab software will be presented, explaining how to simplify the digital workflow for predictable guided immediate implant placement and immediate loading. The digital implant planning rules for anterior, posterior and full arch cases will be reviewed and updated to achieve biological, functional and esthetic success. The attendees will improve their own confidence and skills with digital planning through immersive software hands-on.

Indications and limitations of the static and dynamic guided surgery will be reviewed and discussed, from simple flapless to advanced procedures, including digital assisted soft tissue sculpturing (DASS Technique), Guided Socket Shield protocols and DyNav. Special emphasis will be given to interdisciplinary digitally assisted treatment planning and final aesthetics in the different clinical scenarios

Maximum number of participants: 15 - 24.
Participation fee: EUR 5,000. (Please note for customers registering in Italy 22% VAT is added to the participation fee. Total fee = EUR 6,100)
Language: English

Discounts for labs and clinic managers. Contact

Studio Pozzi

Innovation in implantology conference 2024 with Nobel Biocare Canada

Oct 04 - 06, 2024
Quebec City, QC, CA
Dr. Kevin Aminzadeh
Dr. Nach Daniel
Dr. Lesley David
Dr Samer Abi Nader
Dr. Jean El-Fata
Dr. Steve Bongard
Dr Giacomo Fabbri
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Reena Talwar
Dr. Jonathan Ng
You're invited to spend three days of educational insights and hands-on experiences at the second annual Nobel Biocare Canada Innovation in Implantology Conference 2024. Opportunity to network with colleagues, learn the latest in digital workflows, and get hands-on experience with the innovative protocols today's dentistry demands.

The Edinburgh Team Day Experience

Oct 04, 2024
Edinburgh, EDH, GB
Dr Tariq Ali
Dr. Scott MacLean
Andrew Forsyth
Dr Neeraj Puri
Dr Javier Bobes Bascaran
Dr Fiona Mackillop
We're offering a premium experience at Nobel Biocare, a journey into the future of dental solutions. This event held at The Balmoral, Edinburgh is a golden opportunity to immerse yourself and your team, in our cutting-edge dental solutions. Our Edinburgh Team Day will showcase Nobel Biocare's end-to-end digital solutions, offering you the opportunity to elevate the whole team with innovative methods for managing and treating patients. You'll have the chance to also engage with industry experts, exchange ideas and connect and collaborate with piers in your field.
The Balmoral Hotel

Comprehensive Immediate implants - Lessons from the last 25 years!

Oct 10 - 12, 2024
Coeur d'Alene, ID, US
Dr Joseph Kan
Dr Daniel Cullum

This course will teach advanced techniques for immediate management of esthetic zone, single and multi- rooted teeth in both maxillary and mandibular extraction sites.

Implants Northwest Live Learning Center

X-Guideの臨床活用 1013 大阪

Oct 13, 2024
大阪市, Osaka, JP
. 長尾 龍典 先生
X-Guideが市場に出てから3年半が経ちます。 当製品の製品性能、活用性により高い注目を集めております。 実際にどのように使用するのか、オペ中に使用するのか、どのようにナビゲーションされるのか気になっているとのお声も少なくありません。 そこで今回、日頃からシュミレーションソフトによる審査・診断、治療計画を実施しX-Guideを使用したガイディッドサージェリーを経験している長尾先生を講師にお招きし、情報共有セミナーを開催いたします。 X-Guideの治療への導入が先生の臨床治療にどの様な影響を及ぼすのか、その実際のメリットについてお話いただきます。

Envista Forum 2024 1014大阪

Oct 14, 2024
大阪市, Osaka, JP

エンビスタグループでは、確かな技術力に基づき常に治療におけるイノベーションのご提供に努めております 。

この度、最新のインプラント治療をリードするデジタルソリューションの数々に加え、本年7⽉より発売となります新インプラントシステム『Nobel Biocare N1™ System』、ナビゲーションシステム X-Guide 2 NXT、口腔内スキャナー IS 3800W などもトピックに加えフォーラムを開催させていただきます。



Digitale Planung in echtzeitnavigierte Implantation umsetzen.

Oct 16, 2024
München, DE
Dr. Annette Felderhoff-Fischer

Digitale Planung in echtzeitnavigierte Implantation mit Live OP umsetzen.

Bei dieser Hospitation werden die Vor- und Nachteile zwischen Guided Surgery mit Bohrschablone und dem freihandnavigierten Implantieren ausführlich vorgestellt. Sie werden einen praktischen Einblick in die nächste Generation des Backward Planings dank KI erhalten.

Hands-On mit X-Guide.

Freuen Sie sich auf eine interessante Fortbildung,
wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Ihr Team von Nobel Biocare

5 Fortbildungspunkte
Praxis Dr. Annette Felderhoff-Fischer

Masterclass guided and computer navigated surgery - FR

Oct 16, 2024
Mechelen, BE
Learn More
Mr. Michaël Gabai
Nobel Biocare Belgium

The Complete Clinician - Implant Surgical Course

Oct 17 - 20, 2024
Vancouver, BC, CA
Learn More
Dr. Kevin Aminzadeh
Dr. Tasso Irinakis
Dr. Ali Sadeghi


Comprehensive Treatment Planning & Surgical Placement of Implants via Computer Guided Technology

Implant dentistry has entered a new era; one of artificial intelligence and expert pre-planning. The Complete Clinician course offers a unique opportunity to learn from expert, interdisciplinary mentorship and supervision of a team of outstanding board certified specialists, including a prosthodontist, a periodontist and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who are dedicated to supporting you in your success.

The Complete Clinician course caters to novice implant dentists eager to embark on the rewarding journey of implants; implant placers with limited experience who wish to progress to the next level, and to implant surgeons who would benefit from incorporating computer guided technology into their implant practice.

With two unique offerings; three full days of didactic and live surgery demos or five full days of didactic, live surgery demos, patient screening and clinical hands-on patient treatment, this course provides exceptional training to learn how to diagnose and perform implant surgery.


• Observe two live demo surgeries performed by an oral surgeon and a periodontist

• Participate in full treatment planning of each individual case

• Learn to place implants using computer guided implant placement, a cornerstone of this course

• Receive mentorship, support and one-on-one supervision by a specialist for every surgery

• Learn best practices of intraoral scanning, 3D facial mapping and digital smile design and 3D printing

• Learn the most efficient digital workflows and practice protocols

• Immerse yourself in a full day of live surgeries, where each participant will perform the surgical placement of up to two implants


OCTOBER 17 - 20, 2024

(Didactic sessions, 2 live surgery demos, patient screening)


NOVEMBER 2 OR 3, 2024

(Hands-on surgical day)


OCTOBER 17 - 19, 2024

(Didactic sessions, 2 live surgery demos)




Up to 42 Hours of Instruction

Until Sept 12 : $ 6650

After Sept 12  : $ 6990


Up to 25 Hours of Instruction

(Oct 17 - 19, includes lectures &

2 live demo surgeries)

Until Sept 12 : $ 2450

After Sept 12 : $ 2600

Nobel Biocare Oral Health Centre

Intégrer la pratique de l'implantologie - PACT Implant

Oct 18, 2024-
Jun 20, 2026
Paris, FR
Dr Jacques Attias
Dr Guillaume Drouet
Dr Isabelle Kleinfinger

La 1ère année correspondant à l’acquisition des fondamentaux est fondée sur une progressivité de la formation initiale en implantologie. Le programme est composé de travaux pratiques, de cours théoriques, de conférences d’experts et d’un coaching clinique personnalisé propre à PACTimplant avec trois journées de chirurgie sur patient. La 2ème année offre le complément de formation 

  •  sur la gestion de la muqueuse péri implantaire,
  •  les augmentations de volume osseux
  •  et le perfectionnement aux nouveaux outils numériques.

 Cours théoriques et travaux pratiques permettront à chacun d’évoluer et de se perfectionner avec trois journées supplémentaires de chirurgie sur patient.  Ainsi,  PACT implant délivre maintenant 

  • un total de 172 heures de formation
  • sur 21 jours en deux ans, dont 6 jours de coaching clinique personnalisé.
ICDP - Institut de Chirurgie Dentaire de Paris

Certificate in Implant Dentistry (EduQual SCQF Level 11)

Oct 18, 2024-
Sep 05, 2025
London, GB
Mr. David Guy
Now running for over 10 years, the certificate in implant dentistry year course is well known for it emphasis on practical teaching and the level of clinical competance that participants achieve. Learn to place implants in our exclusive Wimpole Street dental practice.
Guys Dental Implant Centre

Certificate in Advanced Implant Dentistry

Oct 19, 2024-
Sep 06, 2025
London, GB
Mr. David Guy

Take your implant dentistry to the next level. Learn advanced techniques including Guided surgery, DTX implant planning, All-on 4 5 6, Full arch immediate loading, advanced bone grafting and X-Guide surgery.

The Certificate in Advanced Implant Dentistry can be taken as a follow on course from the Certifcate in implant dentistry, forming the second stage of the diploma course, or as a stand alone course for those with significant pre-existing implant experience.

Guys Dental Implant Centre

Rising Stars - 3 Schritte zum Erfolg

Oct 26, 2024
Neunburg vorm Wald, DE
Dr. Christoph von Wenz
Digitaler Workflow, Planung und Navigation, mit Hands-on
9 Fortbildungspunkte
Dr. Christoph von Wenz, FZA für Oralchirurgie

Study Club Zentralschweiz – die Praxis der Zukunft ist digital

Oct 30, 2024
Luzern, CH
Enes Latofovic
Samira Slag
Slaven Sestic

Entdecken Sie die digitale Zukunft Ihrer Praxis

Unser Leben wird zunehmend digitaler, um täglich mehr Effizienz, schnellere Abläufe maximale Sicherheit und optimale Wirtschaftlichkeit für jeden Patienten zu erreichen.

Das gilt auch für den digitalen Workflow, den nur wir Ihnen in dieser Form vom Scan bis zur provisorischen Versorgung in Rekordgeschwindigkeit anbieten können.

Überzeugen Sie sich selbst. Freuen Sie sich auf eine interessante, kostenlose Fortbildung.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr Team von Nobel Biocare

Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern

November 2024

Surgical Navigation Clinical Residency

Nov 08 - 09, 2024
Lisboa, PT
Dr. Armando Lopes
This 2-day Residency Program focuses specifically on Navigation Implant Surgery and was designed especially for those who want to keep-up with the latest technology and introduce this valuable tool in their daily practice.

Envista Forum 2024 1110札幌

Nov 10, 2024
札幌市, Hokkaido, JP

エンビスタグループでは、確かな技術力に基づき常に治療におけるイノベーションのご提供に努めております 。

この度、最新のインプラント治療をリードするデジタルソリューションの数々に加え、本年7⽉より発売となります新インプラントシステム『Nobel Biocare N1™ System』、ナビゲーションシステム X-Guide 2 NXT、口腔内スキャナー IS 3800W などもトピックに加えフォーラムを開催させていただきます。


ホテルモントレ エーデルホフ札幌

Envista Forum 2024 1117仙台

Nov 17, 2024
仙台市, Miyagi, JP

エンビスタグループでは、確かな技術力に基づき常に治療におけるイノベーションのご提供に努めております 。

この度、最新のインプラント治療をリードするデジタルソリューションの数々に加え、本年7⽉より発売となります新インプラントシステム『Nobel Biocare N1™ System』、ナビゲーションシステム X-Guide 2 NXT、口腔内スキャナー IS 3800W などもトピックに加えフォーラムを開催させていただきます。


TKPガーデンシティPREMIUM 仙台西口

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

FOR is a global, non-profit organization advocating science, education and humanity in oral rehabilitation. The website offers hundreds of learning resources for dental professionals: More than 300 video lectures from leading experts. Almost 100 clinical case documentations. Interactive ebooks and epapers. State-of-the-art treatment guidelines. And much more. Completely free of charge. Sign up now and get access to all resources.

Questions? Just ask. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for or need additional event information, we want to hear from you.