NobelReplace® CC tapered implant

Proven performance, enhanced esthetics.

The original tapered implant with a tight sealed conical connection and platform shifting for natural looking esthetics.1

The versatile treatment solution for your patients

The NobelReplace tapered implant body offers a trusted solution to a wide range of indications, and further flexibility when critical anatomical structures limit space.2

Simplicity and stability

The implant geometry and step-by-step bone-type-specific drilling protocols simplify site preparation and support high primary implant stability – even when bone is compromised.1,3,4

Tapered implant body design

Designed for high primary stability, it's ideal for Immediate Function in extraction sockets or healed sites.1,3,4

Natural-looking esthetics

Built-in platform shifting designed to increase soft-tissue volume for natural-looking esthetics.1

98.9% implant survival at 3 years3

Significantly improved soft-tissue health3

Only –0.08 mm marginal bone remodeling at 3 years3

A multi-center study evaluating NobelReplace Conical Connection implants

Read about this ongoing open, prospective, single-cohort, multi-center study focused on NobelReplace CC implants supported by single-unit crowns in the maxilla.

Questions about NobelReplace CC implants?

If you would like additional information, more details, or have specific questions about NobelReplace CC, click the link below.

“NobelReplace Conical Connection merges the well-proven implant body of NobelReplace Tapered with a tight internal conical connection. It is a versatile, easy-to-use implant which performs well in soft and hard bone.“



Find a course on single and multi-unit implant placement

Warranty Program

Smiles should last a lifetime. That is why Nobel Biocare offers lifetime warranties on dental implants and restorative components.

In addition, we offer a 10-year warranty on custom-made NobelProcera® prosthetics. We will also replace – free of charge – any implant that fails to remain in the bone in which it was implanted, as well as any Nobel Biocare restorative components on the implant at the time of failure.


See Instructions For Use for full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions. 

  1. Fügl A, Zechner W, Pozzi A, et al. An open prospective single cohort multicenter study evaluating the novel, tapered, conical connection implants supporting single crowns in the anterior and premolar maxilla: interim 1-year results. Clin Oral Investig 2017;21(6):2133-2142.
    Read on PubMed
  2. Nobel Biocare. Data on File.
  3. Pozzi A, Tallarico M, Moy PK. Immediate loading with a novel implant featured by variable-threaded geometry, internal conical connection and platform shifting: Three-year results from a prospective cohort study. Eur J Oral Implantol 2015;8(1):51-63.  
    Read on PubMed
  4. Kan JY, Roe P, Rungcharassaeng K. Effects of implant morphology on rotational stability during immediate implant placement in the esthetic zone. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2015;30(3):667-670.  
    Read on PubMed