Full-arch immediate loading in the maxilla and single molar in the mandible
Dr. Alessandro Pozzi
Rome, Italy

Patient: 65-year-old male. Hyperglycemia; coronary angioplasty and stent; clopidogrel (Plavix). Smoker (fewer than 10 cigarettes per day)
Clinical situation: terminal dentition in the upper jaw. Tooth mobility and periodontal support of less than 30%. Periapical radiolucency of approximately 1 cm of first molar, lower left side. Patient refuses any invasive surgical periodontal bone regeneration procedures
Surgical solution: immediate tooth extraction. Four NobelActive TiUltra implants placed with X-Guide dynamic navigation system. Immediate loading of full-arch temporary prosthesis, with Multi-unit Abutment Xeal. Restorative solution: immediate loading of screw-retained full-arch temporary prosthesis
Final restoration: screw-retained porcelain fused to NobelProcera Zirconia full-arch implant bridge
Surgery date: April 2019
Total treatment time: 6 months
Tooth position: upper full-arch and tooth 3
An implant like no other.
NobelParallel™ Conical Connection
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Xeal™ and TiUltra™
Welcome to the Mucointegration™ era. Surface chemistry cells can’t resist.
On1™ concept
Preserve the soft-tissue attachment without compromising flexibility.
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