
Learn alongside industry-leading experts from around the world. Courses cover everything from diagnosis and treatment planning to surgical and prosthetic workflows. We even address some of the most complex and progressive protocols for managing potential complications.

March 2024

Cursus de Formation en Parodontologie et Implantologie - PERIOMIND

Mar 15 - Dec 14, 2024
Toulouse, FR
Dr Ronan Barré
Dr Guillaume Anduze

Cursus de formation en Parodontologie et Implantologie destiné aux praticiens désireux d’intégrer efficacement et sereinement ces thérapeutiques dans leur  exercice.

Programme et dates

  • Module 1 : Prise en charge parodontale - 15 et 16 mars 2024
  • Module 2 : Chirurgie parodontale - 14 et 15 juin 2024
  • Module 3 : Chirurgie et prothèse implantaire de petite étentue - 20 et 21 septembre 2024
  • Module 4 : Chirurgie et prothèse implantaire avancée - 13 et 14 décembre 2024

Prise en charge DPC rèf. 85301800001


May 2024

DDI 2024 Full Core Mini-Residency in Dental Implantology - Core 2

May 31 - Jun 02, 2024
Vancouver, BC, CA
Learn More
Dr. Rana Tarzemany
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Faraj Edher


Vancouver, BC



Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Bobby Birdi, Dr. Ron Zokol


Course dates

Core 1: April 12–14, 2024

Core 3: May 3–5, 2024

Core 2: May 31–June 2, 2024

Core 4: June 21–23, 2024


Course description

Core 1: Implant Treatment Planning and Restorations - Dr. Faraj Edher

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, treatment planning, and restoring implants. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select the proper implant components, make provisional implant restorations, take implant impressions, and restore implants with definitive prostheses. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide implant therapy in your office.


Core 2: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment - Dr. Bobby Birdi

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, surgical placement, flap design, suturing, and soft tissue management. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably treatment plan cases and surgically place implants. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective implant therapy to your patients.


Core 3: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting - Dr. Ron Zokol

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, and immediate dental implant placement. We discuss the different bone grafting and membrane materials and techniques. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select cases for immediate extraction, grafting, and implant placement. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective and efficient implant therapy to your patients.


Core 4: PRF Workshop & Live-Patient Implant Surgery Program - Dr. Ron Zokol

The first day of this 3-day program focuses on the science and protocols of utilizing PRF and PRP in different clinical applications. Venipuncture is taught by a highly experienced phlebotomy instructor. The remaining two days will be spent treating patients under the supervision of an experience DDI faculty member. Participants will apply their previous didactic and hands-on training, such as atraumatic extractions, implant placement, bone grafting, suturing, and much more. Our participants all agree that there is no better way to start placing implants routinely, than to complete the first few cases done with the supervision of an expert.



Core 1 : $1,995 USD

Core 2 : $1,995 USD

Core 3 : $1,995 USD

Core 4 : $2,495 USD


June 2024

California Implant Institute: Basic to Intermediate implant surgery program

Jun 03 - 08, 2024
Dr Louie Al-Faraje

6 -Days LIVE Patient Surgical Externship

California Implant Institute

Imersão em Prótese Sobre Implante

Jun 06 - 07, 2024
Paço de Arcos, PT
Marcos Fadanelli

Desenvolver e aperfeiçoar os protocolos de implantação imediata e prótese sobre implante. O curso utiliza abordagens teóricas e práticas em modelos desenvolvidos para a aplicação clínica dos procedimentos. Os participantes têm a oportunidade de compreender todas as fases da prótese, da produção à inserção.

Português (europeu)
Instituto Karina Leite Portugal

Nobel Biocare's Implant Treatment Coordinator Program, Building Trust with your Patients: Ottawa

Jun 07, 2024
Ottawa, ON, CA
Karen Young

Unlock the potential of your dental team through our dynamic 1-day program - perfect for both experienced professionals and newcomers. Elevate your practice as we delve into the evolution of dental implants, the empowering aspect of co-diagnosis, patient-centered treatment planning and the importance of comprehensive documentation.


From the initial consultation to the final restoration, you'll grasp the profound impact implants offer in enhancing patients' lives. This course is designed to instill the confidence needed to guide patients towards accepting optimal treatment plans, while also strengthening team dynamics. Empower your dental team with tools and resources for success in dental implantology.


Learning outcomes


At the end of this course, participants will be able to:


- Recognize the significance of their pivotal role within the team and dental practice.


- Identify the common barriers to case acceptance.


- Demonstrate confidence in effectively presenting dental implant options to patients.


- Comprehend the factors that make dental implants the leading choice for tooth replacement.


- Apply communication strategies to empower and engage your patients effectively and uphold a higher standard of care within your practice.

Watersedge Dental Lab

La chirurgie parodontale / M2 - PERIOMIND

Jun 07 - 08, 2024
Toulouse, FR
Dr Ronan Barré
Dr Guillaume Anduze


Journée 1 : Chirurgie parodontale

  • Parodontologie chirurgicale
  • Préparation de la chirurgie
  • TP sutures
  • Chirurgie pré-prothétique
  • Greffe epithélio-conjonctive
  • TP chirurgie parodontale sur support pédagogique
  • Analyse de cas cliniques et QCM
  • Study Club

 Journée 2 : Aménager le parodonte 

  • Greffe de conjonctif enfoui
  • Chirurgie par Tunnelisation
  • TP sutures et chirurgie plastique parodontale sur mâchoire animale
  • Evaluation et QCM

 Prise en charge DPC rèf. 85301800001


Das Ostsee-Symposium. Das Remake eines großen Erfolgs.

Jun 07 - 08, 2024
Rostock-Warnemünde, DE
OA Dr. Ufuk Adali
Dr. Janos Oettler
Dr. Annette Felderhoff-Fischer
Kristian Dahl
Mischa Ommid Steude M.Sc. M.Sc
Anja Mahlke
Liane Lehmann
Dr. Gerald Schillig, M.Sc.
Sven Bartosch
Dr. Martin Brückner, M.Sc.
Dominik Neidhart
Dr. Frank Hoffmann
Dr. Hannes Brückner
PD Dr. Dr. Keyvan Sagheb

Der Wettbewerb – auch in Ihrem Segment – wird immer kompetitiver, die Erwartungshaltung von Patienten immer höher und die Behandlungs- und Therapiezeiten werden immer kürzer.

All das ist wirtschaftlich und medizinisch nur noch durch den Einsatz von effizienter Technik und sicheren Methoden zu optimieren. Nehmen Sie als Beispiele den digitalen Workflow, der mit den Mitteln von Nobel Biocare in 60 Minuten vom Scan zum Provisorium führen kann. Oder auch das All-on-4® Behandlungskonzept für feste dritte Zähne in nur einem Tag und andere interessante Themen.

Beim Ostsee-Symposium beschäftigen wir uns gemeinsam mit Ihnen mit den neuesten Technologien und aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen zum digitalen Workflow und zur Effizienz in der Praxis.

Das alles in einer traumhaften Location direkt am Strand – dem Hotel Neptun in Warnemünde – und natürlich mit vielen interessanten Gesprächen unter Kollegen.

Es gibt also gute Gründe, das Symposium nicht zu verpassen. Am besten, Sie melden sich gleich an.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

8 Fortbildungspunkte
Hotel Neptun

Canadian Academy of Periodontology (CAP) 2024 - Winnipeg

Jun 07, 2024
Winnipeg, MB, CA
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Dr. Jonathan Ng

Join this full day of hands-on learning of the complete digital workflow from data acquisition to diagnosis and treatment of the partially and fully edentulous patient with the DTX ecosystem.


Learning Objectives:

-Imaging, treatment planning and communication within 1 software 

-Easily move from scan to plan with digital record taking 

-Diagnosis within DTX 

-Utilizing AI for prosthetic set up 

-Benefits and workflow of navigated surgery with X-Guide 

-Hands-on experience for the conversion of a removable complete denture into a fixed immediately inserted transitional prosthesis. 



$300 CAD


CE Earned: 7


Flapless immediate implant placement and provisionalization in the esthetic zone

Jun 07 - 08, 2024
The Hague, NL
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Dr Tristan Staas
Dr Edith Groenendijk

Learning objective

Flapless immediate implant placement and provisionalization (FIIPP) is a modern treatment method characterized by fast time-to-teeth, less surgical interventions with equal or better prosthetic results and better patient acceptance.

Dr. Edith Groenendijk and Dr. Tristan Staas have recently published a peer-reviewed study on the Flapless Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization (FIIPP) technique and the factors that affect its esthetic outcomes.  

In this course, they will take you through each step of FIIPP, from diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical and prosthetic protocols, demonstrating the methods that can optimize predictable, long-term success.

  • Point out the crucial steps that will lead to a predictable treatment outcome
  • How to achieve primary stability needed for immediate loading
  • Step-by-step procedure by means of literature, cases and live surgery
  • Digital planning and prosthetic workflow
  • Get familiar with the surgical protocol for NobelActive, a reliable implant solution for high initial stability and soft and hard tissue preservation



Implantologie Den Haag

Implantologische und augmentative Verfahren am Humanpräparat

Jun 07, 2024
Wien, AT
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ZAFI in Kooperation mit NOBEL BIOCARE und der ARGE OCMR

Bei Implantationen ist fortlaufend die menschliche Anatomie und deren Besonderheiten bei der Behandlungsplanung zu berücksichtigen. Dieser Kurs bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, die Grundlagen der allgemeinen und speziellen Anatomie zu vertiefen und mehr Sicherheit in der Chirurgie und vorallem in der Implantologie zu gewinnen.

Zudem trainieren Sie durch praktische Übungen am Humanpräparat chirurgische Eingriffe wie Sinus Lift oder Guided Bone Regeneration und erhalten Gelegenheit, unterschiedliche Lösungsansätze kennenzulernen.

Schwerpunkt des Kurses ist das praktische Training am nicht fixierten Humanpräparat mit dem Ziel anatomische Strukturen darzustellen und das chirurgische Vorgehen im Rahmen Implantat-chirurgischer Eingriffe intensiv und praxisbezogen zu erlernen.

10 Fortbildungspunkte
Medizinische Universität Wien | Institut für Anatomie

2024 Seaclass: Optimaliser l‘esthétique et le résultat à long terme des prothèses sur implants

Jun 13 - 14, 2024
Knokke-Heist, BE
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Mr. Philippe Adriaenssens
Mr. Thomas Moureau
Prof Marc Lamy
Prof Alain Brabant
Memlinc Hotel, Knokke-Heist

Nobel Biocare's Implant Treatment Coordinator Program, Building Trust with your Patients: Toronto

Jun 14, 2024
Thornhill, ON, CA
Karen Young

Unlock the potential of your dental team through our dynamic 1-day program - perfect for both experienced professionals and newcomers. Elevate your practice as we delve into the evolution of dental implants, the empowering aspect of co-diagnosis, patient-centered treatment planning and the importance of comprehensive documentation.


From the initial consultation to the final restoration, you'll grasp the profound impact implants offer in enhancing patients' lives. This course is designed to instill the confidence needed to guide patients towards accepting optimal treatment plans, while also strengthening team dynamics. Empower your dental team with tools and resources for success in dental implantology.


Learning outcomes


At the end of this course, participants will be able to:


- Recognize the significance of their pivotal role within the team and dental practice.


- Identify the common barriers to case acceptance.


- Demonstrate confidence in effectively presenting dental implant options to patients.


- Comprehend the factors that make dental implants the leading choice for tooth replacement.


- Apply communication strategies to empower and engage your patients effectively and uphold a higher standard of care within your practice.

Smile Studio Dental

Update Chirurgie – Hands-On an der Zahnärztekammer Hamburg

Jun 14 - 15, 2024
Hamburg-Billstedt, DE
Dr. Nina Psenicka
Zahnärztinnen und Zahnärzte können in diesem aufeinander aufbauenden zweitägigen Kurs ihre Kenntnisse des breiten Behandlungsspektrums der zahnärztlichen Chirurgie vertiefen. Dieser Kurs hat seinen Fokus auf Vorträgen und vielen praktischen Übungen, die jeder Teilnehmer selbst durchführt.
Zahnärztlichen Fortbildung im NFI

Formation Assistant.e dentaire en implantologie SAPO IMPLANT

Jun 19 - Sep 19, 2024
Paris, FR
Ms. Marie-Laure Charbonnet
Ms Marie Pierre Ventriboux
Ms. Catia Peirera

Cette formation s’adresse aux assistant(es) dont le rôle est essentiel au cabinet d’implantologie.
La multiplicité des tâches demande une grande expertise dans différents domaines qui sont en perpétuelle évolution : les connaissances fondamentales et les techniques en chirurgie et prothèse.
Fort de ses 20 ans d’expérience, Sapo Implant propose un programme de formation de qualité ayant pour objectif d’actualiser et/ou de développer les compétences des assistant(es) dentaires au cabinet d’implantologie. Cet enseignement sera assumé par une équipe pédagogique composée d’assistantes dentaires expérimentées.

Des grands thèmes seront abordés :

  • De la chaîne d’asepsie à la connaissance de la chaîne numérique.
  • Les rapports avec les laboratoires de prothèse et les fournisseurs pour les commandes de stocks.
  • Le suivi administratif et la gestion du temps au secrétariat
  • De l’aide opératoire aux gestes d’urgence.

Une formation organisée en 2 modules de 3 jours :

  • Module 1 - base fondamentale, cliniques et administratives :19 au 21 juin 2024
  • Module 2 - Applications cliniques, chirurgicales et prothétiques : 17 au 19 septembre 2024

L’inscription à ces 2 modules est indissociable. La présence des participants à tous les modules est indispensable et obligatoire pour valider l’enseignement.
Prise en charge partielle par Actalians


Restored Smiles - Pathway to Predictable and Successful Implant Placement - Session 1-2

Jun 21 - 22, 2024
Lompoc, CA, US
Dr. J.V. Huss

Learn how to place dental implants in to abundant bone predictably, efficiently, and successfully. This comprehensive course is filled with hands-on exercises to prepare you for socket preservation, flap design, implant placement, and suturing. With your purchase you will have access to Session One ONLINE curriculum for up to 1 year so that you can go back and review as often as you want.

Restored Smiles

DDI 2024 Full Core Mini-Residency in Dental Implantology - Core 4

Jun 21 - 23, 2024
Vancouver, BC, CA
Learn More
Dr. Faraj Edher
Dr. Bobby Birdi
Dr. Ron Zokol
Dr. Rana Tarzemany


Vancouver, BC



Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Bobby Birdi, Dr. Ron Zokol


Course dates

Core 1: April 12–14, 2024

Core 2: May 3–5, 2024

Core 3: May 31–June 2, 2024

Core 4: June 21–23, 2024


Course description

Core 1: Implant Treatment Planning and Restorations - Dr. Faraj Edher

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, treatment planning, and restoring implants. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select the proper implant components, make provisional implant restorations, take implant impressions, and restore implants with definitive prostheses. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide implant therapy in your office.


Core 2: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment - Dr. Bobby Birdi

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of oral implantology, surgical placement, flap design, suturing, and soft tissue management. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably treatment plan cases and surgically place implants. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective implant therapy to your patients.


Core 3: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting - Dr. Ron Zokol

This 3-day program (30 CE) delivers a comprehensive understanding of the principles of atraumatic extraction, bone grafting, and immediate dental implant placement. We discuss the different bone grafting and membrane materials and techniques. You will leave this program with the ability to comfortably select cases for immediate extraction, grafting, and implant placement. Our program is evidence based, with a focus on learning practical tips and tricks, and hands-on training, to allow you to provide effective and efficient implant therapy to your patients.


Core 4: PRF Workshop & Live-Patient Implant Surgery Program - Dr. Ron Zokol

The first day of this 3-day program focuses on the science and protocols of utilizing PRF and PRP in different clinical applications. Venipuncture is taught by a highly experienced phlebotomy instructor. The remaining two days will be spent treating patients under the supervision of an experience DDI faculty member. Participants will apply their previous didactic and hands-on training, such as atraumatic extractions, implant placement, bone grafting, suturing, and much more. Our participants all agree that there is no better way to start placing implants routinely, than to complete the first few cases done with the supervision of an expert.



Core 1 : $1,995 USD

Core 2 : $1,995 USD

Core 3 : $1,995 USD

Core 4 : $2,495 USD


Basic Implantology Course

Jun 22 - 28, 2024
Lisbon, PT
Dr. Gonçalo Seguro Dias
Dr. Hugo Pinto
Dra. Ana Filipa Gonçalves

This intensive course enables the clinicians to develop essential skills and achieve excellency in Implantology. The goal is to acquire knowledge, increase the clinical experience level, or recycle and acquire greater know how, through intense work with patients.

GSD Academy

FIRST STEP Implant Course 0623-1215福岡

Jun 23 - Dec 15, 2024
福岡市, Fukuoka, JP
. 松永 興昌 先生

Full Arch Immediate Load Course

Jun 24 - 26, 2024
Lisbon, PT
Dr. Gonçalo Seguro Dias
Immediate load for full arch rehabilitation it is in many situations the only available option to perform in patients. This course will focus on all stages of the procedures and decisions to be made, from treatment plan to the final denture, emphasizing the need of customize treatment plans. The clinicians will watch live surgeries and perform the surgeries in real patients.
GSD Academy

Immediate Implants Course

Jun 24 - 26, 2024
Lisbon, PT
Dr. Gonçalo Seguro Dias
During this 3 day intensive course, clinicians will learn all the steps of the surgical and prosthetic protocol used in rehabilitation with immediate implants in the anterior and posterior areas.
GSD Academy

Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR)

FOR is a global, non-profit organization advocating science, education and humanity in oral rehabilitation. The website offers hundreds of learning resources for dental professionals: More than 300 video lectures from leading experts. Almost 100 clinical case documentations. Interactive ebooks and epapers. State-of-the-art treatment guidelines. And much more. Completely free of charge. Sign up now and get access to all resources.

Questions? Just ask. 

If you can’t find what you’re looking for or need additional event information, we want to hear from you.

Contact us