Guided surgery
Plan and place dental implants with high accuracy and precision with guided surgery tools from Nobel Biocare. Whether it’s a NobelGuide® template that simply fits, or you are looking to locally print surgical guides and templates, we have a solution for you.
Place according to plan.
Your first drill counts
In narrow spaces or close to the inferior alveolar nerve, there is no room for error. Guided drilling assists you in achieving the correct angulation, direction and depth of the drill when placing implants. Fully guided implant surgery enables you to best utilize your prosthetically driven implant planning.

Fewer risks with guided surgery
It helps you to avoid critical anatomical structures and to place implants as you have planned.
Simple setup for pilot drilling
Only one drill and one template is needed before you proceed with your free-hand drill kit, available for major implant systems.
Higher accuracy and predictability of implant positions, in comparison with freehand surgery1
Lower swelling and edema, as well as use of analgesics with guided flapless surgery compared with freehand surgery2-4
High patient satisfaction attributed to short treatment times and minimal discomfort5
Guided surgery
Integrated concept. Your way.
NobelGuide, powered by DTX Studio™ suite, is a complete concept for prosthetic-driven treatment planning and guided implant surgery. NobelGuide offers guided pilot drilling and fully-guided implant insertion.
Guided surgery Instructions For Use
Important information on, and instructions for, guided surgery.
Questions about NobelGuide?
If you would like additional information, more details, or have specific questions about the NobelGuide concept, click the link below.
“I started with dental implants in 1982, and my focus was restorative. With NobelGuide, I suddenly have a different career as it allows me to place implants.“
Real-time 3D guidance. Now with X-Mark™.
Take freehand surgery to the next level. X-Guide delivers real-time guidance of drill and implant positions. X-Mark allows you to turn diagnostic scans into navigated plans – even without CBCT scan reference points.
See Instructions For Use for full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions.
- Tahmaseb A, Wismeijer D, Coucke W, Derksen W. Computer technology applications in surgical implant dentistry: a systematic review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2014;29 Suppl:25-42.
Read on PubMed - Pozzi A, Tallarico M, et al. Computer-guided versus free-hand placement of immediately loaded dental implants: 1-year post-loading results of a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Eur J Oral Implantol 2014;7(3):229-42.
Read on PubMed - Nkenke E, Eitner S, et al. Patient-centred outcomes comparing transmucosal implant placement with an open approach in the maxilla: A prospective, non-randomized pilot study. Clin Oral Implants Res 2007;18(2):197-203.
Read on PubMed - Bertossi D, Gerosa R, et al. NobelGuide influence in the perception of post-operative pain. Minerva Stomatol 2013.
Read on PubMed - Meloni SM, De Riu G, Pisano M, Cattina G, Tullio A. Implant treatment software planning and guided flapless surgery with immediate provisional prosthesis delivery in the fully edentulous maxilla. A retrospective analysis of 15 consecutively treated patients. Eur J Oral Implantol 2010;3(3):245-51.
Read on PubMed