Using X-Guide® for your full-arch cases?
Go from scan to individualized provisional in under 4 hours.1
What benefits the All-on-4® digital workflow can bring into your practice:
Less prosthetic errors, ensuring high precision and accuracy with screw-retained restorations.2
Designed to provide the safety of surgical guides with the flexibility of a freehand workflow.
Patient experience
Fewer appointments and less chair time for your patients.1

“FastMap® navigated photogrammetry has enabled me to offer best of both worlds to my patients: Accuracy in my surgical executions, and predictability for temporary productions post-surgery, significantly enhancing my treatments for full-arch rehabilitation cases.”
Contact us for more information
1. Based on limited market survey.
2. Using photogrammetry.
Some products may not be regulatory cleared, released or licensed for sale in all markets.