Guidelines for using our trademarks
These guidelines are for our licensees, authorized resellers, developers, customers, and other parties wishing to use our trademarks or service marks in promotional, advertising, instructional, or reference materials, or on their websites, products, labels, or packaging.
You may use our trademarks, product names, service names and other names in text to refer to our products, services and related technology, but only if you follow these guidelines and your use is accurate, fair and not misleading. We exclusively own any goodwill generated by the use of our trademarks.
How to use our trademarks correctly
1. Trademarks are adjectives used to modify nouns; the noun is the generic name of a product or service.
2. An appropriate generic term must appear after the trademark at least the first time it appears in a publication, and as often as is reasonable after that. For a list of suggested generic terms see the Nobel Biocare trademark list as shown below.
3. Always spell and capitalize our trademarks exactly as they are shown in the trademark list. Do not shorten or abbreviate our product names. Do not make up names that contain our trademarks.
4. Include an attribution of our ownership of our trademarks within the credit notice section of your product, product documentation, or other product communication.
Prohibited uses of our trademarks
1. Do not shorten or abbreviate our trademarks and do not make up names that contain our trademarks.
2. As adjectives, trademarks may not be used in the plural or possessive form.
3. Do not use our trademarks more prominently than your own trademarks, name, trade name, product name, service name, or other name.
4. Do not use our trademarks in any manner that expresses or implies we have any affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement, certification, or approval of your product, service, or company, unless specifically authorized by us.
5. Do not use the registration symbol (®) in connection with marks in countries where our marks have not been registered. Trademark rights vary from country to country.
6. Do not use or register our trademarks as or incorporated in social media account names, profiles, or aliases.
7. Do not register our trademarks as domain names or in any part of a URL.
Nobel Biocare Trademark List
The following is a list of our trademarks and service marks. In order to improve readability, we do not use ™ or ® in the running text or on pictures and other images. By doing so, however, we do not waive any rights to our marks. This Trademark List constitutes an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of Use. We reserve the right to update this Trademark List without notice.
Our trademarks | Suggested generic terms |
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All-on-4® | treatment concept |
Brånemark System® | implant |
creos™ | biomaterial |
DTX Studio™ | software |
GoldAdapt™ | abutment |
Groovy® | implant design |
More smiles. Precisely.™ | |
Mucointegration™ | surface |
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Nobel Biocare | products |
Nobel Biocare N1™ | system |
NobelActive® | implant |
NobelClinician® | software |
NobelConnect® | software |
NobelEsthetics® | solutions |
NobelGuide® | concept |
NobelParallel™ | implant |
NobelPearl™ | implant |
NobelProcera® | prosthetic solutions |
NobelPro Line™ | product range |
NobelReplace® | implant |
NobelSmile® | approach |
NobelSpeedy® | implant |
NobelZygoma™ | implant |
Omnigrip™ | screwdriver |
On1™ | concept |
OsseoCare™ | drilling units |
OsseoDirector™ | instrument |
OsseoSet™ | drilling units |
OsseoShaper™ | instrument |
Procera® | prosthetic solutions |
PureSet™ | tray |
Replace™ | implant systems |
Replace Select™ | implant systems |
SmartFusion™ | concept |
Snappy™ | abutment |
The Circle™ | group |
TiUltra™ | implant surface |
TiUnite® | implant surface |
TorqTite™ | screw design |
Trefoil™ | treatment concept |
Unigrip™ | screwdriver |
Xeal™ | surface |
Trademarks of third parties
The following is a list of trademarks and service marks of third parties. In order to improve readability, we use ™ or ® only once per document in the heading/title, in the running text, or on pictures and other images. By doing so, however, we fully acknowledge rights of third parties to their respective marks. We reserve the right to update this Trademark List without notice.
Trademark with ™ or ® | Trademark note |
3i® | 3i® is a trademark of Biomet 3i Group. |
3Shape® | 3Shape® is a trademark of 3Shape A/S. |
3Shape CAMbridge® | 3Shape CAMbridge® is a trademark of 3Shape A/S. |
3Shape Communicate® | 3Shape Communicate® is a trademark of 3Shape A/S. |
3Shape Dental System™ | 3Shape Dental System™ is a trademark of 3Shape A/S. |
AdVent® | AdVent® is a trademark of Zimmer Group. |
Ankylos® | Ankylos® is a trademark of Dentsply Group. |
Apliquiq® | Apliquiq® is a trademark of Thommen Medical Group. |
Apple® | Apple® is a trademark of Apple Inc. |
Anthofit™ | Anthofit™ is a trademark of Anthogyr Group. |
Astra Tech Implant System™ | Astra Tech Implant System™ is a trademark of Dentsply Group. |
Axiom™ | Axiom™ is a trademark of Anthogyr Group. |
Bio-Gide® | Bio-Gide® is a trademark of Ed. Geistlich Söhne AG. |
BioHorizons™ | BioHorizons™ is a trademark of BioHorizons Group. |
Biomet® | Biomet® is a trademark of Biomet 3i Group. |
Biomet 3i® | Biomet 3i® is a trademark of Biomet 3i Group. |
BlueSky™ | BlueSky™ is a trademark of Bredent Group. |
Bredent™ | Bredent™ is a trademark of Bredent Group. |
BTI™ | BTI™ is a trademark of BTI Group. |
Camlog® | Camlog® is a trademark of Camlog Biotechnologies Group. |
CeKa® | CeKa® is a trademark of Preat Corporation. |
Cerabien® | Cerabien® is a trademark of Noritake Dental Supply Co., Ltd. |
Certain® | Certain® is a trademark of Biomet 3i Group. |
coDiagnostiX® | coDiagnostiX® is a trademark of IVS Solutions AG. |
Conelog® | Conelog® is a trademark of Camlog Biotechnologies Group. |
Cytoplast™ | Cytoplast™ is a trademark of Osteogenics Biomedical, Inc. |
Dalbo® | Dalbo® is a trademark of Cendres+Métaux SA. |
Dental System™ | Dental System™ is a trademark of 3Shape A/S. |
Dental Wings™ | Dental Wings™ is a trademark of Straumann Group. |
Dentium™ | Dentium™ is a trademark of Dentium. |
Dentsply® | Dentsply® is a trademark of Dentsply Group. |
Dolder® | Dolder® is a trademark of Cendres+Métaux SA. |
Elos Accurate® | Elos Accurate® is a trademark of Elos Medtech Pinol A/S. |
Etkon™ | etkon™ is a trademark of Straumann Group. |
Exocad™ | Exocad™ is a trademark of Exocad GmbH. |
Frialit® | Frialit® is a trademark of Dentsply Group. |
GalvoSurge® | GalvoSurge® is a trademark of Zyfoma GmbH. |
Genesis The Biomimetic Implant System™ | Genesis The Biomimetic Implant System™ is a trademark of Keystone Dental Group. |
GLYCOLON® | GLYCOLON® is a trademark of Resorba Medical GmbH. |
Grand Morse™ | Grand Morse™ is a trademark of Straumann Group. |
Inicell® | Inicell® is a trademark of Thommen Medical Group. |
IOL® | IOL® is a trademark of Biomet 3i Group. |
iPad® | iPad® is a trademark of Apple Inc. |
IPS e.max® | IPS e.max® is a trademark of Ivoclar Vivadent AG. |
Intel® Core™ | Intel® Core™ is a trademark of Intel Corporation. |
Ivoclar Vivadent® | Ivoclar Vivadent® is a trademark of Ivoclar Vivadent AG. |
iTero® | iTero® is a trademark of Align Technology, Inc. |
Jason® | Jason® is a trademark of botiss dental GmbH. |
Kohno® | Kohno® is a trademark of Sweden & Martina Group. |
Lifecore® | Lifecore® is a trademark of Lifecore Biomedical Group. |
Locator® | Locator® is a trademark of Zest IP Holdings, LLC. |
Locator R-Tx® | Locator R-Tx® is a trademark of Zest IP Holdings, LLC. |
Mac® | Mac® is a trademark of Apple Inc. |
Mac OS® | Mac OS® is a trademark of Apple Inc. |
Miniplant® | Miniplant® is a trademark of Biomet 3i Group. |
MIS® | MIS® is a trademark of MIS (Medical Implant System) Group. |
MX-i LED® | MX-i LED® is a trademark of Bien Air Dental SA. |
NanoTite™ | NanoTite™ is a trademark of Biomet 3i Group. |
Nacera® | Nacera® is a trademark of Doceram GmbH. |
Neodent® | Neodent® is a trademark of Straumann Group. |
Neoss® | Neoss® is a trademark of the Neoss Group. |
Noritake® | Noritake® is a trademark of Noritake Dental Supply Co., Ltd. |
OSO™ | OSO™ is a trademark of Preat Corporation. |
OsseoSpeed™ | OsseoSpeed™ is a trademark of Dentsply Group. |
Osseotite® | Osseotite® is a trademark of Biomet 3i Group. |
Osseotite XP® | Osseotite XP® is a trademark of Biomet 3i Group. |
OssixPlus® | OssixPlus® is a trademark of Johnson & Johnson Group. |
Osstem™ | Osstem™ is a trademark of Osstem Group. |
Parasorb Resondont® | Parasorb Resondont® is a trademark of Resorba Medical GmbH. |
Prevail® | Prevail® is a trademark of Biomet 3i Group. |
PrimaConnex® | PrimaConnex® is a trademark of Keystone Dental Group. |
Pro-fix™ | Pro-fix™ is a trademark of Osteogenics Biomedical, Inc. |
Renova™ | Renova™ is a trademark of Keystone Dental Group. |
RePlant® | RePlant® is a trademark of Implant Direct Group. |
RePlus® | RePlus® is a trademark of Implant Direct Group. |
RESORBA® | RESORBA® is a trademark of Resorba Medical GmbH. |
Restore™ | Restore is a trademark of Keystone Dental Group. |
Roxolid® | Roxolid® is a trademark of Straumann Group. |
ScrewIndirect® | ScrewIndirect® is a trademark of Implant Direct Group. |
ScrewPlant® | ScrewPlant® is a trademark of Implant Direct Group. |
ScrewPlus® | ScrewPlus® is a trademark of Implant Direct Group. |
Screw-Vent® | Screw-Vent® is a trademark of Zimmer Group. |
Semados® | Semados® is a trademark of Bego Group. |
SimPlant® | SimPlant® is a trademark of Materialise Dental Group. |
SLA® | SLA® is a trademark of Straumann Group. |
SLActive® | SLActive® is a trademark of Straumann Group. |
Spline® | Spline® is a trademark of Zimmer Group. |
Sterngold-ImplaMed® | Sterngold-ImplaMed® is a trademark of Sterngold Dental, LLC. |
SPI® | SPI® is a trademark of Thommen Medical Group. |
Straumann® | Straumann® is a trademark of Straumann Group. |
Superline™ | Superline™ is a trademark of Dentium. |
SwissPlus® | SwissPlus® is a trademark of Zimmer Group. |
Telio® | Telio® is a trademark of Ivoclar Vivadent AG. |
Tiny™ | Tiny™ is a trademark of BTI Group. |
TRIOS® | TRIOS® is a trademark of 3Shape A/S. |
TruSmile™ | TruSmile™ is a trademark of Exocad GmbH. |
VITA® | VITA® is a trademark of VITA Zahnfabrik AG. |
VITA LINGOFORM® | VITA LINGOFORM® is a trademark of VITA Zahnfabrik AG. |
VITA PHYSIODENS® | VITA PHYSIODENS® is a trademark of VITA Zahnfabrik AG. |
VITA System 3D-Master® | VITA System 3D-Master® is a trademark of VITA Zahnfabrik AG. |
VITA VM® | VITA VM® is a trademark of VITA Zahnfabrik AG. |
VITAPAN® | VITAPAN® is a trademark of VITA Zahnfabrik AG. |
Windows® | Windows® is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. |
X-Guide® | X-Guide® is a trademark of X-Nav Technologies, LLC. |
X-Mark™ | X-Mark™ is a trademark of X-Nav Technologies, LLC. |
XiVE® | XiVE® is a trademark of Dentsply Group. |
Zest® | Zest® is a trademark of Zest IP Holdings, LLC. |
Zimmer® | Zimmer® is a trademark of Zimmer Group. |